Round 6 at Streets of Willow
August 24, 2016 by thegreatdane039
Filed under General
Lately the weather has not been on our side as I’m sure you have noticed. Despite hot (and that’s an understatement) temperatures over this weekend’s event, competitors continued to lay down personal best lap times and set the bar incredibly high. Some say the bar is too high. Others insist on pushing further. That’s competition […]
Round 5 Recap: Horse Thief Mile
August 2, 2016 by thegreatdane039
Filed under General
This weekends go-kart race was held at Horse Thief Mile with scorching temperatures and additionally a blazing forest fire on the drive up through the 14 freeway. Horse Thief is Miata territory. If I’m not mistaken, the record on the track is set with a Miata and we like it that way. For most, it was […]
Round 5 Rundown!
July 21, 2016 by thegreatdane039
Filed under General
In case you didn’t get the heads up, this weekend’s Horse Thief Mile event at Willow Springs was originally going to be held from noon-8pm and run in conjunction with a drift event. Fortunately, we are going to be able to avoid some of the heat and got the okay for a private competition in […]
Round 4 Recap: Buttonwillow
July 4, 2016 by thegreatdane039
Filed under driver, driving, eunos, extreme speed, extreme speed roadster cup, extreme speed track events, garage star, good-win-racing, gramlight, ims, indotech, koyo, koyorad, mackinindustries, mazda, megan racing, miata, mx5, NA, nb, projectmu, road race, road racing, roadster, roadster cup, roadstercup, Sponsors, time attack, track, xs roadster cup, xsroadstercup
Feels like it’s been forever since we last made a visit to Buttonwillow Raceway Park doesn’t it? The iconic BRP is the place to set a mark in time attack racing and for wittle old Miata’s we saw some outstanding lap times throughout the day. It was blistering hot as expected and the competition was of […]
Round 4 Rundown
June 24, 2016 by thegreatdane039
Filed under General
When it comes to time attack, Buttonwillow Raceway Park is a landmark for records. Sadly for us Miatas cracking that 2-minute mark is demanding enough. Nonetheless, we will be having a blast driving configuration CW13 this coming Sunday the 26th and BRP! Super fun track. It’s going to be a super good time. And even more […]
Round 3 Recap: Streets of Willow
June 2, 2016 by thegreatdane039
Filed under Driver Spotlight, eunos, extreme speed, extreme speed track events, garage star, good-win-racing, ims, indotech, koyo, koyorad, mazda, megan racing, miata, mx5, NA, nb, project mu usa, projectmu, road racing, roadster, roadster cup, roadstercup, time attack, track, willow springs, xsroadstercup
We returned to Willow Springs for Round 3 over the weekend and took on Streets of Willow going Clockwise. With other competitive time attack series going on Sunday as well, it was a packed day at the track. In the sea of cars was an abundance of Miatas, not to mention a large sponsorship presence with […]
Round 2 Recap: Big Willow
April 20, 2016 by thegreatdane039
Filed under General
It felt like ages between Rounds one and two, but that’s ok because it gave everyone a chance to prep their cars (or pamper themselves) during the downtime! Sunday, April 17th marked the second round of Roadster Cup at Willow Springs International Raceway: Big Willow. What turned out to be a rather mellow track day still carried an intense […]
Round 2 Rundown
April 13, 2016 by thegreatdane039
Filed under big willow, extreme speed track events, garagestar, goodwinracing, gramlights, grip, ims, koyorad, mazda, meganracing, miata, mx5, projectmu, roadster, Sponsors, timeattack, track, WSIR
We are nearing Round 2 this Sunday where we’ll be visiting Big Willow at Willow Springs International Raceway. Here’s the rundown of how the day is going to pan out. Be sure to read the post entirely for the full details. Registration – Arrive between 7:15-7:30am Touda will be there there early so we will have our […]
Roadster Cup Scores Project Mu & Gramlights
March 24, 2016 by thegreatdane039
Filed under eunos, extreme speed, extreme speed track events, gramlights, mackinindustries, mazda, miata, mx5, projectmu, raysengineering, road racing, roadster, roadster cup, roadstercup, Sponsors, time attack, track, xsroadstercup
First and foremost let us thank Mackin Industries for making this possible because they have brought back Project Mu and tossed in an extra sweet Gramlights sponsorship for the 2016 Roadster Cup! You heard correctly. And yes, they do understand that some Miatas can be purchased for less than the cost of some bad*** wheels […]